The get_data_path
The get_example_data
The get_all_VASP_files
The get_band_center
(energies, densities, max_energy=None, min_energy=None, axis=- 1)[source]¶ Get band center given energies and densities
- Parameters
energies (numpy.ndarray) – discretized orbital energies
densities (numpy.ndarray) – projected state densities
max_energy (float) – cutoff energy (often the fermi energy)
min_energy (float) – cutoff energy (often the fermi energy)
axis (int) – axis of densities on which to integrate
- Returns
band_center – center of the band(s) up to max_energy
- Return type
numpy.float64 or numpy.ndarray
trapezoidal rule is better for narrow gaussian peaks and for “rough” functions
The get_bond_energy
(energies, densities, e_fermi)[source]¶ Get bond energy from density
- Parameters
energies (numpy.ndarray) – discretized orbital energies
densities (numpy.ndarray) – projected state densities
e_fermi (float) – highest occupied energy level
- Returns
bond_energy – total energy in the bonds
- Return type
numpy.float64 or numpy.ndarray
The get_band_width
(energies, densities, fraction=0)[source]¶ Get band width given energies and densities
- Parameters
energies (numpy.ndarray) – discretized orbital energies
densities (numpy.ndarray) – projected state densities
fraction (float) – maximum projected density considered part of a band
- Returns
band_width – width of the band(s)
- Return type
numpy.float64 or numpy.ndarray
The get_orbital_proximity
(energies, densities, energy, moment=1)[source]¶ Get width between to band centers given a division
- Parameters
energies (numpy.ndarray) – discretized orbital energies
densities (numpy.ndarray) – projected state densities
energy (int) – some energy with which the proximity of states is calculated
moment (int) – moment with which to calculate the orbital proximity
- Returns
orbital_proximity – proximity of orbitals to some energy
- Return type
numpy.float64 or numpy.ndarray
The get_second_moment
(energies, densities)[source]¶ Get the second moment
- Parameters
energies (numpy.ndarray) – discretized orbital energies
densities (numpy.ndarray) – projected state densities
- Returns
second_moment – second moment of the densities
- Return type
numpy.float64 or numpy.ndarray
Utilizeds get_orbital_proximity
The get_filling
(energies, densities, max_energy=None, min_energy=None, axis=- 1)[source]¶ Get band center given energies and densities
- Parameters
energies (numpy.ndarray) – discretized orbital energies
densities (numpy.ndarray) – projected state densities
max_energy (float) – cutoff energy (often the fermi energy)
min_energy (float) – cutoff energy (often the fermi energy)
axis (int) – axis of densities on which to integrate
- Returns
Integrated_Filling – Total filling between min and max energy
- Return type
trapezoidal rule is better for narrow gaussian peaks and for “rough” functions
(file_name='DOSCAR', no_negatives=True, add_p2s=False)[source]¶ Class for extracting projected density of states from VASP
- Parameters
- Variables
no_negatives (bool) – Indicates wheather negative occupances will be converted to zero. Negative occupances can occur if Methfessel-Paxton is used.
natoms (int) – number of atoms in the system
emax (float) – maximum energy level
emin (float) – minimum energy level
ndos (int) – number of descritized energy levels
e_fermi (float) – highest occupied energy level
is_spin (bool) – indicates if projected density is spin resolved
m_projected (bool) – indicates if projected density is orbital resolved
orbital_dictionary (dict) – dictionary that maps resolved sublevels/orbitals to indices
add_p2s (bool) – if true adds the p density to the s density (useful for metals)
(file_name='DOSCAR', no_negatives=True)[source]¶ Read VASP DOSCAR and extract projected densities
- Parameters
- Variables
_total_dos (numpy.ndarray) – numpy array that contains the energy of the orbitals and the total projected and integrated density
_site_dos (numpy.ndarray) – numpy array that contains the energy of the orbitals and the site and orbital projected density of states. Only available if a site projected calculation was performed.
- Returns
emax (float) – maximum energy level
emin (float) – minimum energy level
ndos (int) – number of descritized energy levels
e_fermi (float) – highest occupied energy level
is_spin (bool) – indicates if projected density is spin resolved
m_projected (bool) – indicates if projected density is orbital resolved
orbital_dictionary (dict) – dictionary that maps resolved sublevels/orbitals to indices
(file_name='DOSCAR.lobster', no_negatives=True)[source]¶ Read VASP DOSCAR and extract projected densities
- Parameters
- Variables
_total_dos (numpy.ndarray) – numpy array that contains the energy of the orbitals and the total projected and integrated density
_site_dos (numpy.ndarray) – numpy array that contains the energy of the orbitals and the site and orbital projected density of states. Only available if a site projected calculation was performed.
- Returns
emax (float) – maximum energy level
emin (float) – minimum energy level
ndos (int) – number of descritized energy levels
e_fermi (float) – highest occupied energy level
is_spin (bool) – indicates if projected density is spin resolved
m_projected (bool) – indicates if projected density is orbital resolved
orbital_dictionary (dict) – dictionary that maps resolved sublevels/orbitals to indices
(sigma)[source]¶ Applies Gaussian filter to self._total_dos and self._site_dos
- Parameters
sigma (float) – standard deviation of Gaussian Kernel
- Variables
_total_dos_original (numpy.ndarray) – self._total_dos array without filter
_site_dos_original (numpy.ndarray) – self._site_dos array without filter
(atom_indices, orbital_list, sum_density=False, sum_spin=True, max_energy=None, min_energy=None, axis=- 1)[source]¶ Get band center for a given atom and list of orbitals
- Parameters
sum_density (bool) – if a sub-level is provided instead of an orbital, sum_density indicates if the individual sub-level densities should be summed
sum_spin (bool) – different spin densities are summed.
max_energy (float) – cutoff energy (often the fermi energy)
min_energy (float) – cutoff energy (often the fermi energy)
axis (int) – axis of densities on which to integrate
- Returns
band_center – center of the band(s) up to max_energy
- Return type
(atom_indices, orbital_list, sum_density=False, sum_spin=True, fraction=0)[source]¶ Get band width given energies and densities
- Parameters
- Returns
band_width – width of the band(s)
- Return type
(atom_indices, orbital_list, sum_density=False, sum_spin=True)[source]¶ Get second moment of the density projected onto atomic orbitals
(energy, atom_indices, orbital_list, sum_density=False, sum_spin=True)[source]¶ Get width between to band centers given a division
- Parameters
- Returns
center_width – width of two band centers separated by some ennergy
- Return type
()[source]¶ method for obtaining energy levels
- Returns
energies – 1-D array of energies
- Return type
(atom_indices, orbital_list, sum_density=False, sum_spin=True, max_energy=None, min_energy=None, axis=- 1)[source]¶ Get band center for a given atom and list of orbitals
- Parameters
sum_density (bool) – if a sub-level is provided instead of an orbital, sum_density indicates if the individual sub-level densities should be summed
sum_spin (bool) – different spin densities are summed.
max_energy (float) – cutoff energy (often the fermi energy)
min_energy (float) – cutoff energy (often the fermi energy)
axis (int) – axis of densities on which to integrate
- Returns
band_center – center of the band(s) up to max_energy
- Return type
(sum_spin=True)[source]¶ method for obtaining total integrated density of states
- Returns
integrated_dos – 1-D or 2-D array of state integrated densities
- Return type
(energy, atom_indices, orbital_list, moment=1, sum_density=False, sum_spin=True)[source]¶ Get width between to band centers given a division
- Parameters
energy (int) – some energy with which the proximity of states is calculated
moment (int) – moment with which to calculate the orbital proximity
sum_density (bool) – if a sub-level is provided instead of an orbital, sum_density indicates if the individual sub-level densities should be summed
sum_spin (bool) – different spin densities are summed.
- Returns
orbital_proximity – proximity of orbitals to some energy
- Return type
(atom_indices, orbital_list, sum_density=False, sum_spin=True)[source]¶ Get second moment of the density projected onto atomic orbitals
- Parameters
- Returns
second_moment – width of two band centers separated by some ennergy
- Return type
(atom_indices, orbital_list=[], sum_density=False, sum_spin=True)[source]¶ Return an NDOSxM array with dos for the chosen atom and orbital(s).
- Parameters
- Returns
new_orbital_list (list[str]) – If sum_density is True, new_orbital_list is the same as orbital_list. If sum_density is False, new_orbital_list is resolved by both orbital and spin (if available)
projected_density (np.array) – Array of shape (len(new_orbital_list), ndos)