Source code for pdos_overlap.coordination

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Thu Mar 02 17:26:23 2017

@author: lansford

"""Vibrational modes."""
from import covalent_radii as CR
from import read
import numpy as np

[docs]def get_geometric_data(CONTCAR, cutoff=1.25, crystal_type='fcc'): """ Obtain important geometric data for all atoms Parameters ---------- CONTCAR : str Location to VASP CONTCAR file for a gas molecule. cutoff : float Fudge factor multiplied by covalent radii used to determine connectivity. If distance between atoms is less than the summ of their radii times cutoff they are considered to be coordinated Returns ------- indices : list[int] Atom indices GCNs : list[float] GCN values of all atoms atom_types : list[str] Indicates if atoms are of type 'surface' or 'bulk' """ if crystal_type == 'fcc': bulk_CN = 12 elif crystal_type == 'bcc': bulk_CN = 14 else: bulk_CN = crystal_type nanoparticle = read(CONTCAR) CN = Coordination(nanoparticle,cutoff=cutoff) # read and return densityofstates object indices = np.arange(len(nanoparticle)) atom_types = [] GCNs = np.zeros_like(indices) for atom_index in indices: GCNs[atom_index] = CN.get_gcn([atom_index]) if[atom_index] < bulk_CN: atom_types.append('surface') else: atom_types.append('bulk') return indices, GCNs, np.array(atom_types)
[docs]class Coordination: """Class for calculating coordination and generalized coordination number.""" def __init__(self, atoms, exclude=[], cutoff=1.25, cutoff_type = 'percent'): """ Parameters ---------- atoms : atoms ASE atoms type. exclude : list of int Indices of atoms to exclude in tabulating the coordination of each atom cutoff : float Fudge factor multiplied by covalent radii used to determine connectivity. If distance between atoms is less than the summ of their radii times cutoff they are considered to be coordinated cutoff_type : str Can be 'percent' or 'absolute'. If Absolute then the cutoff is considered a distance and replaces the use of Van der Waals radii entirely. If multiple atom types are to be used then 'perecent' is best. Attributes ---------- atoms : ase.Atoms ASE atoms type. exclude : list of int Indices of atoms to exclude in tabulating the coordination of each atom cutoff : float Fudge factor multiplied by Van der Waals radii used to determine connectivity. If distance between atoms is less than the summ of their radii times cutoff they are considered to be coordinated cutoff_type : str Can be 'percent' or 'absolute'. If Absolute then the cutoff is considered a distance and replaces the use of Van der Waals radii entirely. If multiple atom types are to be used then 'perecent' is best. """ self.atoms = atoms self.exclude = exclude self.cutoff = cutoff self.cutoff_type = cutoff_type
[docs] def read(self): """Returns an array of coordination numbers and an array of existing bonds determined by distance and covalent radii. By default a bond is defined as 120% of the combined radii or less. This can be changed by setting 'cutoff' to a float representing a factor to multiple by (default = 1.2). If 'exclude' is set to an array, these atomic numbers with be unable to form bonds. This only excludes them from being counted from other atoms, the coordination numbers for these atoms will still be calculated, but will be unable to form bonds to other excluded atomic numbers. Attributes ---------- cn : list of int list of coordination numbers for each atom. bonded : list of list List of indices of atoms bonded to each atom """ atoms = self.atoms cutoff = self.cutoff cutoff_type = self.cutoff_type exclude = self.exclude # Get all the distances distances = np.divide(atoms.get_all_distances(mic=True), cutoff) # Array of indices of bonded atoms. len(bonded[x]) == cn[x] bonded = [] indices = list(range(len(atoms))) # Atomic Numbers numbers = atoms.numbers # Coordination Numbers for each atom cn = [] cr = np.take(CR, numbers) if cutoff_type == 'absolute': for i in indices: cr[i] = cutoff/2. distances = atoms.get_all_distances(mic=True) for i in indices: bondedi = [] for ii in indices: # Skip if measuring the same atom if i == ii or ii in exclude: continue if (cr[i] + cr[ii]) >= distances[i,ii]: bondedi.append(ii) # Add this atoms bonds to the bonded list bonded.append(bondedi) for i in bonded: cn.append(len(i)) = cn self.bonded = bonded
[docs] def get_coordination_numbers(self): """Implements returns coordination values Returns ------- cn : list of int list of coordination numbers for each atom. """ return
[docs] def get_bonded(self): """returns bonded list Returns ------- bonded : list of list List of indices of atoms bonded to each atom """ return self.bonded
[docs] def get_gcn(self,site=[], surface_type="fcc"): """Returns the generalized coordination number of the site given. To define A site, just give a list containing the indices of the atoms forming the site. The calculated coordination numbers and bonding needs to be supplied, and the surface type also needs to be changed if the surface is not represented by bulk fcc. Parameters ---------- site : list of int indices for which to calculate the GCN values surface_type : str Indicates natural bulk of the material which influences the maximum coordination environment of a site Returns ------- gcn : float Generalized coordination values for the desired site """ bonded = self.bonded cn = # Define the types of bulk accepted gcn_bulk = {"fcc": [12., 18., 22., 26., 26.], "bcc": [14., 22., 28., 32.]} sum_gcn = 0. if len(site) == 0: return 0 counted = [] for i in site: counted.append(i) for i in site: for ii in bonded[i]: if ii in counted: continue counted.append(ii) sum_gcn += cn[ii] gcn = sum_gcn / gcn_bulk[surface_type][len(site) - 1] return gcn