# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Tue May 19 22:28:09 2020
@author: lansf
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import os
import pkg_resources
import numpy as np
from ase.io import read
from .vasp_dos import VASP_DOS
from .coordination import Coordination
import itertools
from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter1d
[docs]def write_lobsterin(directory='.', adsorbate_atoms=['C','H','O','N']
, basisfunctions={'C':'2s 2p', 'O':'2s 2p'
, 'N':'2s 2p', 'H':'1s'
,'Pt':'5d 6s'}
, gaussianSmearingWidth=0.003):
""" Write a lobster input file
directory : str
directory to write the lobsterin file. Must also contain a CONTCAR and
adsorbate_atoms : list[str or int]
adsorbate atom symbols or indices
basisSet : str
basis used to projected density onto orbitals
basisfunctions : dict
dictionary of atomic symbols and corresponding basis functions
gaussianSmearingWidth : float
float if Gaussian smearing is used. If tetrahedron method is used then
set to None
if type(adsorbate_atoms[0]) == str:
CONTCAR = read(os.path.join(directory,'CONTCAR'))
all_symbols = CONTCAR.get_chemical_symbols()
adsorbate_indices = np.arange(len(all_symbols))[np.isin(all_symbols,adsorbate_atoms)]
adsorbate_indices = adsorbate_atoms
CN = Coordination(CONTCAR,exclude=adsorbate_indices,cutoff=1.25)
bonded = CN.get_bonded()
site_indices = []
for i in adsorbate_indices:
site_indices += bonded[i]
site_indices = list(set(site_indices))
atom_pairs = []
for site_index in site_indices:
for adsorbate_index in adsorbate_indices:
atom_pairs.append((site_index, adsorbate_index))
atom_pairs += list(itertools.combinations(adsorbate_indices,2))
atom_pairs = np.array(atom_pairs) + 1
DOSCAR = os.path.join(directory,'DOSCAR')
COHPstartEnergy = DOS.emin - DOS.e_fermi
COHPendEnergy = DOS.emax - DOS.e_fermi
COHPSteps = int(DOS.ndos - 1)
basisSet = basisSet
basisfunctions = basisfunctions
gaussianSmearingWidth = gaussianSmearingWidth
file_name = os.path.join(directory,'lobsterin')
file = open(file_name,'w')
file.write('COHPstartEnergy ' + str(COHPstartEnergy))
file.write('COHPendEnergy ' + str(COHPendEnergy))
file.write('COHPSteps ' + str(COHPSteps))
file.write('basisSet ' + str(basisSet))
if gaussianSmearingWidth is not None:
file.write('gaussianSmearingWidth ' + str(gaussianSmearingWidth))
for key in basisfunctions.keys():
file.write('basisfunctions ' + key + ' ' + basisfunctions[key])
for pair in atom_pairs:
file.write('cohpbetween ' + 'atom ' + str(pair[0]) + ' atom ' + str(pair[1]))
[docs]def get_example_data():
""" Get default path to experimental crystal ovelap populaiton data
data_path : str
path to example lobster data
data_path = pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__, 'data/lobster')
return data_path
[docs]def get_all_lobster_files(directory, file_type='COOPCAR.lobster'):
""" Get all DOSCAR and CONTCAR file paths
directory : str
root directory to look for DOSCAR files
file_type : string
file type for which to search and return file path
lobster_files : list[str]
list of paths to lobster files of type file_type
lobster_directories = [os.path.join(r,subdirectory) for r,d,f in os.walk(directory)
for subdirectory in d
if file_type in os.listdir(os.path.join(r,subdirectory))]
lobster_files = [os.path.join(d,file_type) for d in lobster_directories]
return lobster_files
[docs]def get_bonding_states(orbital_indices, dos_energies, pcoop, pcoop_energies\
, set_antibonding_zero=False, emax=float('inf')):
""" method for obtaining bonding fraction of dos or dos-like array
orbital_indices : list[list]
list of orbital indices for each molecular orbital
dos_energies : numpy.ndarray
energies at which dos is calculated
pcoop : numpy.ndarray
projected orbital overlap populations
pcoop_energies : numpy.ndarray
energies at which the pcoop is calculated
set_antibonding_zero : bool
if true, set antibonding populations to zero to look at total
instead of net bonding characteristics
dos_bonding : numpy.ndarray
1-D array of the relative bonding for either dos-like array
if set_antibonding_zero == True:
pcoop[pcoop[...] < 0] = 0
pcoop = np.interp(dos_energies, pcoop_energies,pcoop)
pcoop[dos_energies[...] > emax] = 0
dos_bonding = []
for i in range(len(orbital_indices)):
return dos_bonding
"""Class for analyzing overlap population bonding data
file_name : str
full lobster file location
emax : float
maximum energy level
emin : float
minimum energy level
ndos : int
number of descritized energy levels
e_fermi : float
highest occupied energy level
is_spin : bool
indicates if projected density is spin resolved
num_interactions : int
number of interactions in COOP
interactions : list[str]
list of the interactions included in the file
def __init__(self, file_name="COOPCAR.lobster"):
#conditional read statements can be added
num_interactions, interactions, is_spin, ndos, e_fermi, e_min, e_max\
= self._read_coopcar(file_name=file_name)
self.num_interactions = num_interactions
self.interactions = interactions
self.is_spin = is_spin
self.ndos = ndos
self.e_fermi = e_fermi
self.e_min = e_min
self.e_max = e_max
[docs] def apply_gaussian_filter(self, sigma):
"""Applies Gaussian filter to self._pcoop
sigma : float
standard deviation of Gaussian Kernel
_pcoop_original : numpy.ndarray
self._pcoop array without filter
Understand carefully what this does before using it. It applies a
Gaussian filter to the average and integrated PCOOP and the PCOOP
such that the average and integrated PCOOP may become meaningless
pcoop_exists = False
pcoop_exists = True
self._pcoop_original = self._pcoop.copy()
if pcoop_exists == True:
self._pcoop[1:,:] = gaussian_filter1d(self._pcoop_original[1:,:].copy(), sigma)
[docs] def get_energies(self):
""" method for obtaining energy levels
energies : numpy.ndarray
1-D array of energies
energies = self._pcoop[0,:].copy()
return energies
[docs] def get_average_pcoop(self, sum_spin=True):
""" obtain average overlap population for all atom pairs
sum_spin : bool
indicates whether data of different spins should be summed
average_pcoop : numpy.ndarray
1-D or 2-D array of average pcoop for all interactions
is_spin = self.is_spin
num_interactions = self.num_interactions
_pcoop = self._pcoop
if is_spin == True:
if sum_spin == False:
average_pcoop = _pcoop[[1, 2 * num_interactions + 3], :]
average_pcoop = _pcoop[1, :] + _pcoop[2 * num_interactions + 3, :]
average_pcoop = _pcoop[1, :]
return average_pcoop
[docs] def get_average_int_pcoop(self, sum_spin=True):
"""obtain average integrated overlap population for all atom pairs
sum_spin : bool
indicates whether data of different spins should be summed
average_int_pcoop : numpy.ndarray
1-D or 2-D array of average integrated pcoop for all interactions
is_spin = self.is_spin
num_interactions = self.num_interactions
_pcoop = self._pcoop
if is_spin == True:
if sum_spin == False:
average_int_pcoop = _pcoop[[2, 2 * num_interactions + 4], :]
average_int_pcoop = _pcoop[2, :] + _pcoop[2 * num_interactions + 4, :]
average_int_pcoop = _pcoop[2, :]
return average_int_pcoop
[docs] def get_integrated_pcoop(self, interactions=[], sum_pcoop=False, sum_spin=True
, set_antibonding_zero=False):
""" obtain integrated projected crystal orbital overlap populations
interactions : list
indices of interactions for which to find the integrated pcoop
sum_pcoop : bool
indicates whether all pcoop should be summed
sum_spin : bool
indicates whether data of different spins should be summed
set_antibonding_zero : bool
if true, set antibonding populations to zero to look at total
instead of net bonding characteristics
integrated_pcoop : numpy.ndarray
1-D, 2-D, or 3-D array of integrated pcoop for all interactions
is_spin = self.is_spin
num_interactions = self.num_interactions
_pcoop = self._pcoop.copy()
if len(interactions) == 0:
interactions = list(range(num_interactions))
if is_spin == True:
spin_up = _pcoop[4:2 * num_interactions + 3:2, :][interactions]
spin_down = _pcoop[2 * num_interactions + 6::2, :][interactions]
if set_antibonding_zero == True:
spin_up[spin_up[...] < 0] = 0
spin_down[spin_down[...] < 0] = 0
if sum_spin == True:
integrated_pcoop = spin_up + spin_down
integrated_pcoop = np.array([spin_up, spin_down])
integrated_pcoop = _pcoop[4::2, :][interactions]
if set_antibonding_zero == True:
integrated_pcoop[integrated_pcoop[...] < 0] = 0
if sum_pcoop == True or len(interactions) == 1:
axis = len(integrated_pcoop.shape) - 2
integrated_pcoop = integrated_pcoop.sum(axis=axis)
return integrated_pcoop
[docs] def get_pcoop(self, interactions=[], sum_pcoop=False, sum_spin=True
, set_antibonding_zero=False):
""" method for obtaining projected crystal orbital overlap populations
interactions : list
indices of interactions for which to find the integrated pcoop
sum_pcoop : bool
indicates whether all pcoop should be summed
sum_spin : bool
indicates whether data of different spins should be summed
set_antibonding_zero : bool
if true, set antibonding populations to zero to look at total
instead of net bonding characteristics
pcoop : numpy.ndarray
1-D or 2-D array of pcoop for all interactions
is_spin = self.is_spin
num_interactions = self.num_interactions
_pcoop = self._pcoop.copy()
if len(interactions) == 0:
interactions = list(range(num_interactions))
if is_spin == True:
spin_up = _pcoop[3:2 * num_interactions + 3:2, :][interactions]
spin_down = _pcoop[2 * num_interactions + 5::2, :][interactions]
if set_antibonding_zero == True:
spin_up[spin_up[...] < 0] = 0
spin_down[spin_down[...] < 0] = 0
if sum_spin == True:
pcoop = spin_up + spin_down
pcoop = np.array([spin_up, spin_down])
pcoop = _pcoop[3::2, :][interactions]
if set_antibonding_zero == True:
pcoop[pcoop[...] < 0] = 0
if sum_pcoop == True or len(interactions) == 1:
axis = len(pcoop.shape) - 2
pcoop = pcoop.sum(axis=axis)
return pcoop
[docs] def _read_coopcar(self, file_name="COOPCAR.lobster"):
"""Read lobster COOPCAR and extract projected overlap
file_name : str
file location of the COOPCAR.lobster file file
_pcoop : numpy.ndarray
numpy array that contains the energy of levels and the projected
crystal orbital overlap population densities
emax : float
maximum energy level
emin : float
minimum energy level
ndos : int
number of descritized energy levels
e_fermi : float
highest occupied energy level
is_spin : bool
indicates if projected density is spin resolved
num_interactions : int
number of interactions in COOP
interactions : list[str]
list of the interactions included in the file
f = open(file_name)
f.readline() #skip the first line
descriptive_line = f.readline().split()
num_interactions = int(descriptive_line[0]) - 1
is_spin = int(descriptive_line[1])
if is_spin == 2:
is_spin = True
is_spin = False
ndos = int(descriptive_line[2])
e_fermi = float(descriptive_line[5])
e_min = float(descriptive_line[3])
e_max = float(descriptive_line[4])
f.readline() #skip the line saying average
interactions = []
for i in range(num_interactions):
interactions += f.readline().split()
line = f.readline().split()
pcoop = np.zeros((ndos,len(line)))
pcoop[0] = np.array(line)
for nd in range(1,ndos):
line = f.readline().split()
pcoop[nd] = np.array(line)
pcoop = pcoop.T
pcoop[0] += e_fermi
self._pcoop = pcoop
return num_interactions, interactions, is_spin, ndos, e_fermi, e_min, e_max
[docs] def get_bonding_states(self, orbital_indices, dos_energies\
, interactions=[], set_antibonding_zero=False
, emax=float('inf')):
""" method for obtaining bonding fraction of dos or dos-like array
orbital_indices : list[list]
list of energy indices for each molecular orbital
dos_energies : numpy.ndarray
energies at which dos is calculated
interactions : list
indices of interactions for which to find the integrated pcoop
set_antibonding_zero : bool
if true, set antibonding populations to zero to look at total
instead of net bonding characteristics
emax : float
maximum energy level
dos_bonding : numpy.ndarray
1-D array of the relative bonding for either dos-like array
get_pcoop = self.get_pcoop
get_energies = self.get_energies
pcoop = get_pcoop(interactions=interactions, sum_pcoop=True, sum_spin=True
, set_antibonding_zero=set_antibonding_zero)
bonding_states = get_bonding_states(orbital_indices, dos_energies, pcoop
, get_energies()
, set_antibonding_zero=set_antibonding_zero
, emax = emax)
return bonding_states