Plotting cyrstal orbital overlap population obtained from lobster

This example shows how to plot overlap population data See for details

import os
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pdos_overlap.overlap_population import get_example_data
from pdos_overlap.overlap_population import OVERLAP_POPULATION
from pdos_overlap.plotting_tools import set_figure_settings

Load COOPCAR file

First we will, get the example data, load a COOPCAR file and use it to instantiate an OVERLAP_POPULATION object

example_path = get_example_data()
COOPCAR = os.path.join(example_path, 'C2H4/COOPCAR.lobster')


Identify bonding interactions and check for spin


['No.1:C1->C2(1.3399356553485977)', 'No.2:C1->H3(1.0931450325373071)', 'No.3:C1->H4(1.0932440535076346)', 'No.4:C2->H5(1.093162987441443)', 'No.5:C2->H6(1.0932085731970578)']

Obtain projected overlap

We projected orbital overlap for the C-C bond and C-H bonds in C2H4 We group the CH bonds and ensure to sum for spins as all electrons are paired

CC_overlap = POP.get_pcoop(interactions=[0], sum_pcoop=False, sum_spin=True)
CH_overlap = POP.get_pcoop(interactions=[1,2,3,4], sum_pcoop=True, sum_spin=True)

Plot the bonding populaiton with respect to the CC and CH bonds

A positive value on the x-axis indicates are greater proportion of states in in the bond than outside of the bond

plt.plot(CC_overlap, POP.get_energies(), zorder=3)
plt.plot(CH_overlap, POP.get_energies(), zorder=2)
plt.plot([np.min([CC_overlap, CH_overlap]), np.max([CC_overlap, CH_overlap])]\
         ,[POP.e_fermi, POP.e_fermi],'k--', zorder=1, linewidth=5)
plt.legend(['C-C overlap population','C-H overlap population','fermi level'],loc='best')
plt.xlabel('Orbital overlap')
plt.ylabel('Energy [eV]')


C:\Users\lansf\Box Sync\Synced_Files\Coding\Python\Github\pDOS_overlap\examples\plot_overlap_population\ UserWarning: Matplotlib is currently using agg, which is a non-GUI backend, so cannot show the figure.

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.294 seconds)

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